Tuesday, June 27, 2006


I know I most probably was at the borderline for qualifying for ABP...I'm not complaining (considering my average results which in my opinion was a gift considering how little I studied). I know I should feel proud and happy that I was even offered it...

But I'm after all human and being a pessimistic person I always complain abt everything (good or bad). I planned for my next sem's timetable not even considering that I might be offered ABP...Life was fine then. erm...fine after I finished complaining abt the 22 AUs core they were dumping us with. Then...BAM!...i get an E-MAIL :-
"I am pleased to inform you that in view of your good academic performance in the AY 2005-06 examinations, you are offered a place in the Accelerated Bachelor Programme.

You are required to access ........ by 28 June 2006 to indicate whether you accept or reject the offer to be placed in the ABP........There will be no second offer to be placed in ABP."

and my first thougt was 'Oh man!'.
Second thought: Just reject it immediately.

But of course, I didn't do that. My parents said take it. My friends who were offered also decided to take it. So, with great doubt, I spontaneously went and accepted it earlier today. I just hope I'm not making a mistake. Plus, I keep consoling myself that I can pull out whenever I want to. But will I have the guts to do that????

I think there is a much higher chance of them kicking me out instead. And I bet the EMAIL will read :
"Due to your poor academic performance in the AY 200x-0y examinations, we regret to inform you that you have been DROPPED from the Accelerated Bachelor Programme."


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