Friday, July 14, 2006

General Musings - Laziness

Well, since its a week since my last entry...i decided that i shd update my blog. I have an endless list of stupid things to write abt...but i was feeling lazy to actually sit down and put them into words. That brings me to the topic of laziness...haha...(my favourite ;D) If a person were to ask me wat I've been doing this hols, my immediate reply wld be NOTHING!!!! And I'm not exaggerating. Coz seriously I've done nothing. Its like time juz passes u by...without u doing anything useful or productive...but the danger arises when u really have a lot of time in ur hands but still can't make urself do sth...for eg. write an entry for ur blog. Now dats called lethargy & I shan't fall prey to it!

So wat have I been doing? Hmm...lets, sleep, watch tv, watch movies, surf net, read bks...mostly. But doing useless things also reaches a saturation level until u bcm bored. Which is the state I am in currently. Now I wldn't mind going to school...The only disadvantage of school are the tests and exams! Why can't there be sch without exams????? I bet every student yearns for such an education system. But to no avail. If you were to choose between a) exams and b) utter boredom what wld be ur choice? My choice wld be (b). Coz I now realise dat u are the master of ur own time! There are soooooo many activities u can do. Such that u can turn utter boredom into utter enjoyment! Or the very least occupy yourself and achieve productiveness. Of course, one shd also have leisure time at the side, if not we will surely go nuts. It juz isn't right for leisure to be our only occupation.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i choose boredom too!!! i have not had a taste of boredom this hols yet.. sob sob...

8:37 PM  
Blogger sk said...

i am too bored..... till i cannot take it....... arghhhh!!!!! i rather have something to do, but not school yet plz.. haha..

1:56 PM  
Blogger scuba said...

cheryl: hifi! well dats coz u were working...and its good dat u werent bored while working...hehe...and why wld u want to be bored when u can spend ur time doing sth u like (eg. shopping) and not be bored?! :D

sk: but time keeps moving...we only have 2 weeks left!!!! aaaaarrrhhhh...maybe if we wish it hard enough time will slow down??? so got over ur boredom yet?

8:29 PM  

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