Wednesday, August 02, 2006

SPCA Jigsaw Challenge

Sometimes life is so coincidental. In an earlier post, I'd mentioned abt a stray dog in my block's lift...and it did affect me a bit then. So, I think its good to mention that last week I saw kids from my block walking a dog which looked remarkably similar to the one I'd seen in the it the same dog or a different one? But I do noe that these kids didn't have a dog earlier...hmm...dunno...i'm sorta hoping that it is the same dog....haha...sigh...i think i live too often in a fantasy world where all's right and everything happens the way we want it to.

Nvm abt dat. Continuing my tale...a few days later my long lost pri sch fren emailed me saying that she's organising a community service project for SPCA as part of President's Challenge and that she really needed volunteers. Was it a sign? Oh well, I dunno...but anyway since I'm free most of the time this hols I decided to sign up. So today I went to NTU to do logistics stuff...packing goodie bags (lots of them!), moving things etc....and I'm super tired now...result of lack of exercise. haha...

The actual event is this saturday, 5th Aug...where we have to sell vouchers for SPCA...but the prob is the vouchers are priced at $5...which is a lot, so i doubt pple will buy...i remember i had to sell vouchers priced at $2 last time in jc for cip and it was really hard....well, its not upto me coz i'm not organising, and its too late to change stuff anyway...considering they've spent like 2 mths to organise and come this far.

Here's a request to pple who happen to read this post. If u're free this sat and are willing to help raise funds for charity, do tell me asap coz they still need more volunteers...and i can ask my friend to put us in the same grp as well. I can send interested parties the relevant emails...regarding information abt the event. If u need CIP hours they'll give u...but apart frm that u dun get pts...u do get a cert frm SPCA...come and do it out of the goodness of ur heart :). If u r nt interested in raising funds, do come down this sat (11am - 9pm) to orchard, city hall (basically city) area where there'll be pple in white t-shirts selling these vouchers and do buy them to support us. Especially buy frm me...haha...or if u can't make it, sms me if u want to buy a voucher...and i'll buy it in your place and u can pay me later. Or if u're not willing to give $5, then tell me the amt that u r willing to give and i can join a few pple's contributions to buy a voucher.

Basically when u buy the voucher u r adopting 10 pieces of jigsaw puzzle and these will be uncovered at the main station (Heeren...u can see the huge jigsaw puzzle over there). When all the vouchers are sold, the whole jigsaw will be uncovered. Pls support us coz its for a good cause.

My mood : At peace with myself :) + tired


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