Wednesday, September 27, 2006

hmm...sth to think abt

You've Experienced 20% of Life

You have the life experience of a young teenager - which means there's a lot of life in front of you.
And if you are past your teen years, you probably have some catching up to do!

Basically, this shows that i've experienced very little of life in american stds...furthermore, for some of the qns, all the options they gave din fit me at all! i think the actual fig shd b 10%. Anw, it did get me thinking...but no matter wat, i wld still choose to live this sheltered, protected life as long as i can, rather than be indpt...but well, everyone noes dats not possible. As the saying goes, "Cross the hurdle when it comes!" haha...i certainly noe that this isnt the best outlook on life, but everyone who got married etc...tell me the same thing, enjoy this phase of ur life as much as u can...coz its the best of ur entire life! Not that their marriages have probs or anything like that, they say being a woman, ultimately after marriage, majority of ur energy is used in looking after ur family in addition to all the responsibilities it entails. As my mom says i have 3 children not 2 (including my dad). So enjoying life is precisely wat i'm doing now and the moment of panic i felt when i first got the results, is long gone. :)


Blogger sk said...

how true.. haha.. enjoy life! life isn't meaningless :D

10:00 PM  

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