Friday, December 15, 2006

Complaining time

I've realised that my frequency of updating this blog is very low. During term time, there's always no time and now during holidays i feel too lazy...:p

But often after typing an entry I feel good, unburdened. Now, I understand why they always tell people to keep a diary. I remember the saying by someone, "Keep a diary and it will keep you." Nicely put, dun u think?

Anyway, exams were juz horrible. During exam time, my only motivation was the end of the exams. This is NOT a good thing. sigh....I keep regretting everyday for taking this course. But then I think, but every course will be just as bad. Then I look at my friends studying overseas, who dun seem even half as stressed as me, despite the fact that they're studying medicine and it makes me wonder...whether sth is wrong with me or with the S'pore education syst. Now, I think i can safely conclude that's its the education syst. I mean many of my coursemates also seemed stressed.

I juz dun understand why they have to make us struggle so much. Since young, we only study. It really kills the interest you have in a particular subject. I think they just expect too much from us. C'mon we're humans not machines! And uni really tops it all off. I think its the worst so far. Most of the proffessors juz sux at teaching. I'd always had the opinion that smart people cant teach and well i've been proven right. I understand yes, uni is self-study, I'm not expecting spoon feeding. But at least during lects try to impart some understanding of the subj to us. Moz of the time, i dun understand wat the hell the guy is talking abt. Then when reading notes before exam, if i dun understand sth, juz skip coz there's no time to pause and understand.

Grrr.....i can only complain, but well everyone noes dat nth's gonna be done bout it. so......wateva. ok...i think this post is long enough, shall stop now. Actually i'm kinda amused. i came with the intention of writing sth else with juz a passing remark bout the exams. haha....well, guess my hands got carried away.

Mood : currently amused


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha.. agree but i think we still have to go on.. dun give up!!! *yeah yeah*

1:59 AM  

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