Saturday, December 16, 2006

First night alone

Well, my mom and sis are now in india, which leaves me and my dad here in s'pore. BUT...the thing is most of the time i'm alone at home coz my dad is erm.....too bad there's no other nice way to put it....a workaholic. haha....i'm not faulting him for that. its juz his character and he's always been like that, so we are all used to it. But it does get a bit hard at times now, when there's no one to talk to at home, not that my dad is that much of a talker. i think that my mouth is juz used to talking all the time except during lessons and when studying. this is a good exercise of self-control. haha...

ok...i think i'm going nowhere with this post. lets see, what did i want to say? hmm...i remember i had a lot of things to type yesterday but stopped after that long post and today i dun really feel like writing anything. makes u realise how much a person's mood changes in 24 hours or maybe my creative juices are juz not flowing today.

i've often been alone at home for most of the day and i'm fine with that. yest was the first time i was at home alone at night. u see my dad does shift work, so he had night shift. and so basically noone else was at home. i thought i'll be scared or sth...but frankly i din feel anything at all. i think this past wk of being alone moz of the time has really trained me. haha...and truthfully i'm quite pleased with myself. coz i find myself a terrible scaredy-cat. maybe there's yet hope for me to becoming a mentally strong person. This is one characteristic my mom possesses that i've always respected her greatly for. sth i often wish i had. now i think its more of a acquired character rather than sth one is born with. ok...signing off now.

Mood : pleased


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