Saturday, June 16, 2007

Time to Update

i have not updated this blog for like soooooo long. haha....i'm such a disgrace to blogging. wat can i do? i'm juz so lazy. so wat has happened in my life since my last update? lets horrible exam results for yr 2 sem 1 came out and it was so bad, i was surprised i wasn't kicked out of ABP. Then we had another horrendous sem, although i felt less stressed as compared to previous sem. Maybe I am becoming numb to the horribleness. There were fewer tests this sem, but instead was replaced with weekly homework which was graded plus many projects towards the end. I can't decide which is worse. haha...lets weigh the pros and cons:

Tests :
Pro - forces you to study and catch up with what's been taught
Con - suuuper stressful when u have 4 tests in a wk, like was the case in yr 2 sem 1

Homework :
Pro - much less stressful
Con - though it makes u do tut every wk, it doesn't mean u learn. u can always do tuts by juz
flipping thru the notes or when u don't have the time to do u can juz copy from ur friends

Overall, my conclusion is conclusion. haha...coz i was a gd gal, i did not copy frm my frens, i only discussed with them the difficult questions. plus i always read the notes (but only relevant to the tut parts sometimes). the thing however is for both u don't remember everything u read clearly when u study for exams. but i think u remember better wat u studied for tests. thus, i can't believe i'm saying this but tests are better. but not to the craziness of 4 tests a wk. thats absurdity!

then results came out, it was better than previous sem. but when comparing with friends i'm still a large notch below them. sigh...where's my motivation. i have got to buck up. i can't keep doing this. There seems to be ZERO demand for bioengineers in the market. so the only way, i can survive is to get gd grades so that i have a better chance at a job. But so far, i have failed to do so. I only have 3 more sems of exams, I think the hope might be lost, but i'm juz gonna hope for the best. its time to buck up! i must get back to my A level momentum. My future rice bowl shall be my motivation. i must work hard! This is my mid-year resolution and I sincerely hope it sticks.

Mood : slackers galore
Doing : past few days i'm stuck to watching greys' anatomy and heroes on youtube


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