Friday, June 30, 2006

X-Men 3

Since I don't have anything much to blog abt...I decided I might as well talk abt the movie. Many pple who watched it said it wasn't good as compared to the other X-Men movies...and that really put me off frm watching. But aniwaez, it was the only option for us to we did.

It wasn't all that bad. The special effects were still awesome. The story was fine as well. I admit there were too many things happening and at certain points you end up being confused. Too many new characters and quite a few deaths of the main characters (even at the beginning). I think one needs to watch X-Men 3 twice to fully grasp what's happening. I enjoyed the movie a lot though...and it was certainly worth my time! :)

So, I encourage all those who haven't watched it to go and watch it (if it is still running). All the X-Men movies were better than average in my opinion. But personally, I think I liked X-Men 2 the best of the entire series. I think Mystique's powers are the coolest and Wolverine/Logan just rocks!!!! 8-D

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Cruelty of Human Beings

Yesterday night, I was returning home after watching a movie with my sis. The lift was open at the ground automatically, I strode towards it...and stopped short. A medium sized dog was lying in the lift looking at us with huge black, sorrowful eyes. It looked healthy with its grey fur well combed except for its ears which looked mutilated. I could sense so strongly the sadness it was emitting. We decided to climb the stairs instead. Not because I was afraid...but rather unsure whether I could just leave it there in its despair....after having taken the lift. It had no collar on...but it was quite obvious that its previous owners had told it to stay in the lift before abandoning it. It was such an obedient dog...psch...

I always was of the opinion that dogs should not be kept in HDB apartments (too small...a dog requires much more space!) But its ok, if pple at least take good care of these dogs until they die or give them away when they can't. However, its just plain cruel, to buy good breed dogs and then abandon them (either bcoz u can't afford them any longer or coz u're fed up of them). These dogs usually can't take care of themselves...This is not the first time I've seen abandoned pets in my neighbourhood. Yet, we hesitate to call SPCA each time coz we very well noe dat they'll moz prob b put to sleep. So, we choose the lesser of the two evils...and hope that the dog adapts to the environment sufficiently to survive.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

FREE Movie Pass

Last December, my friend asked me to participate in this survey which her friend was conducting. And as a form of thanks, they gave us two free movie passes. I was overjoyed. I mean i love watching movies. However, I more or less forgot abt the existence of the passes until recently. They expire on 30th June. I was looking at the newspaper to decide wat movie to watch and I realised movie passes are not allowed for new movies. Only applicable for those movies with little demand. I'm sure many pple noe this already but it does come as a shock the first time. So wats the point of movie passes?! You can't watch movies that are in hot demand. But, I have to concede its useful for pple to watch movies (free of charge) that they had missed earlier (when it was in hot demand).

Forget that. Here's a joke I came across (quite funny) :
A guy comes into the bar and orders a drink ...he finishes it and looks in his pocket.. orders another drink, he finishes it and looks in his pocket...he orders another drink, finishes it and looks in his pocket...
Barman : "Why do u keep looking in your pocket?"
Guy : " I have a picture of my wife and when she looks good to me it's time to go home!"

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


I know I most probably was at the borderline for qualifying for ABP...I'm not complaining (considering my average results which in my opinion was a gift considering how little I studied). I know I should feel proud and happy that I was even offered it...

But I'm after all human and being a pessimistic person I always complain abt everything (good or bad). I planned for my next sem's timetable not even considering that I might be offered ABP...Life was fine then. erm...fine after I finished complaining abt the 22 AUs core they were dumping us with. Then...BAM!...i get an E-MAIL :-
"I am pleased to inform you that in view of your good academic performance in the AY 2005-06 examinations, you are offered a place in the Accelerated Bachelor Programme.

You are required to access ........ by 28 June 2006 to indicate whether you accept or reject the offer to be placed in the ABP........There will be no second offer to be placed in ABP."

and my first thougt was 'Oh man!'.
Second thought: Just reject it immediately.

But of course, I didn't do that. My parents said take it. My friends who were offered also decided to take it. So, with great doubt, I spontaneously went and accepted it earlier today. I just hope I'm not making a mistake. Plus, I keep consoling myself that I can pull out whenever I want to. But will I have the guts to do that????

I think there is a much higher chance of them kicking me out instead. And I bet the EMAIL will read :
"Due to your poor academic performance in the AY 200x-0y examinations, we regret to inform you that you have been DROPPED from the Accelerated Bachelor Programme."

Monday, June 26, 2006


Its a little strange (I feel) when you first start blogging. For a moment, I didn't know what to write (considering the fact that my mom keeps saying that its hard to shut me up, as I just have too many opinions). Well, whats wrong with a gal having her own opinions? Plus there's always the inhibition that anyone out there can read what you write.

Anyway, now I'm thinking that it was a big mistake to finally get a blog. Maybe I shall only use it during the holidays and randomly during schooltime. So, my resolutions for the time being :-
1. I shall NOT get addicted to blogging.
2. Enjoy the hols as much as possible.
3. Get down to finding a charity organisation to help out weekly.
4. Make sure the posts are not toooooo long such that it puts off people from reading.

Yup, I guess that's it for now. Nothing much happening in my life now (which is good! :D).

Sunday, June 25, 2006


Yay! Finally created the blog. Having hols now and I'm hoping that the days go slower or sth...really dreading going back to school. Well, been doing lotsa lazing around. Haha...ok am going out soon. Will update tmr. :)